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Kyokushin IKO World Cup, 26-27.10.2024, Katowice

World Team Matches
21st European Open Karate Championschip
Kyokushin Karate European Cup

Termin / Date: 26-27.10.2024
Miejsce / Place: Hala widowiskowo-sportowa „Spodek” w Katowicach
Rejestracja / Registration: 29.07 – 25.09 na

Szczegóły / Details:

Wsparcie z Budżetu Państwa

Projekt  pt. „Podniesienie poziomu standardów działania w klubach karate kyokushin w kraju” został sfinansowany ze środków Narodowego Instytutu Wolności w ramach programu NOWEFIO.

Obejmuje: organizację trzyletniego cyklu szkoleń, szeregu kursokonferencji i seminariów; wsparcie rozwoju narzędzia MyKyokushin; umożliwi zakup nowoczesnego sprzętu medialnego, który będzie wykorzystywany do obsługi i promocji wydarzeń karate.

Inicjatywa ta dzięki wsparciu NIW zdynamizuje wzrost poziomu  standardów działania, podniesie poziom wiedzy i praktycznych umiejętności oraz zdolności zarządzania w klubach karate w kraju a także pozwoli na lepszą organizację różnorodnych wydarzeń karate zwiększając ich zasięg i dostępność dla szerszej publiczności.

Summary of IKO Summer Camp 2014

Lublin 2014

IKO Summer Camp 2014 took place between 14th – 17th August.
In total we were visited by 220 karate practitioners from Poland, Germany, France, the Netherlands, Belarus, Slovakia, Lithuania, Algeria, Tunisia.

Trainings were led by: Shihan Katsuhito Gorai – director of international department of IKO and Sensei Glaube Feitosa – one of the most talented and renown competitors in heavyweight karate and K1.

We welcomed competitors and instructors, who came to Lublin to perfect their technique and deepen their knowledge of karate. Part of the trainings took place in separate groups. In the group of higher degrees Shihan Gorai taught the ways of fighting with a Bo, among many other things.

All participants of the seminar were impressed by an unusually humble approach of Sensei Feitosa, as well as his deep knowledge and instructor skills, which he gladly shared with us. In such short period of time we all felt somehow unsatisfied, as the camp could last even longer, so that we all could learn even more!

The camp also held a judge seminar led by Shihan Gorai. The participants of the seminar after passing the exam could receive a license of an international IKO judge.

The Camp ended with a two day exam for dan and kyu degrees.

The organizer of IKO Summer Camp 2014, as requested by International Karate Organization, was IKO Branch Chief Shihan Jacek Czerniec, and co-organizer IKO Branch Chief Shihan Eugeniusz Dadzibug.

I wish to thank you all for training in this years edition of the camp, and at the same time I wish to invite you to the:

IKO Summer Camp 2015,
which will take place from 20th to 23th August 2015.

Osu !!  Shihan Jacek Czerniec